Critical slow motion combat mod
Critical slow motion combat mod

Integrates, with permission, ' Critical Slow Motion Combat Mod ' by KNG. This feature is enabled by default.ĬRITICAL SLOW MOTION COMBAT CAMERA (optional) In addition, much time and effort was spent to ensure that Geralt's head motions and their timing were intuitive and natural looking. Immersive Cam's head tracking does not override the vanilla head movement on horse back. Incorporates (and heavily tweaks for desired effect) the work of Face Them by skacikpl ( ). Just watch the demonstration video above (the second video). Like some settings as they are but would prefer to change a few others? You can do that too.Ī picture (or video) is worth a thousands words. Want Immersive Cam to look just like Close Cam? You can do that. However, you can easily customize the camera to look exactly the way YOU want it to look. The 'out of the box' camera settings were inspired by clips of the E3 2014 demo build (view the screenshots).

critical slow motion combat mod

This setting can also be customized to return auto rotation when you want it, or not at all. Release the button and full control is returned to you.

critical slow motion combat mod

After all, who knows better than YOU where the camera should point? Designed with gamepads in mind, sprinting and galloping (both actions that require you to press a button) return the game to auto rotation mode for the duration of the button press. When you are exploring the world on foot or on horseback, Immersive Cam gives you full control of your camera. Immersive Cam is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by KCS.

Critical slow motion combat mod